Hawaiian Shamanic Principles

At the beginning of the year I started working at the Hawaiian Experience Spa in Scottsdale.  There I was trained in Temple Style Lomi Lomi massage (see video).  Although I have been using Ho’oponopono (not that hard to say,  four syllables:  Ho O Pono Pono)  for years I wasn’t familiar with other aspects of Hawaiian Spirituality.

In the Hawaiian system there are basic spiritual principles that define correct world view.  They are:  Ike, Pono, Mana, Kala, Makia, Manawa and Aloha. These seven form a complete system of emotional, physical and spiritual health. Lomi Lomi massage is part of that healing system.

The foundational concept is Ikethe world is what you think it is. Ike can be interpreted in two ways – and both are useful for maintaining health. One way to interpret Ike is that your experience of the world is based on your thoughts. For instance, if someone cuts you off in traffic you can think, “what a rude, inconsiderate person” or you may think, “wow, that person is preoccupied with someone they care about”. The first thought leads to anger and a series of biochemical changes within the body which cause disease. The second thought tends to open the heart and create body biochemistry that supports health and well-being.

Another way to view Ike is that the world you see and experience is actually created by your mind. Do you know that despite all of our sophisticated technology there is no proof that anything actually exists outside of our minds. Our world really could be like described in the movie, The Matrix, where the solid objects around us are projections of our minds. Our world is “real” because our minds make it so. We are the cause, in some mysterious way, behind the world we experience.

This concept is not new or unique. Buddha said the world is “mind only” and created by the movement of our mind. Jesus taught “as you sow so shall you reap”, suggesting that we cause the things we experience. Here we find the same idea in Hawaiian shamanism. Ike is a way of defining or explaining our world. If you have this world view, and someone cuts you off in traffic you realize that ultimately you “caused” the incident. Similarly, you’ve cause every pleasant thing that happens to you too.

The beauty of this is that we inherently have the power to create a world that we find more likeable. Ike, in either way we interpret it, guarantees that a change in thinking will change our world. Having this world view leads to an understanding of Mana, another Hawaiian shamanic principle that means all power comes from within. All power comes from within us and flows from our mind and into creation. We have everything we need within us to be happy and pain free.

You may wonder, “Can I really create a ideal world for myself?” The answer is Kala – there are no limits. And the answer to how to do it is found in the principle, Makia – energy flows where attention goes. Begin to direct your attention to what you want to create and the things you do not want will fall away. If you want peace then when someone cuts you off, make a choice to think of the situation in such a way as to create peace. This mental process is called reframing. For me this takes quite a bit of vigilance. I seem to have a deep seated habit of viewing things from a negative perspective for no rational reason.

All power may come from within (Mana), but the moment of power is now. Right now is the spiritual principle of Manawa. It is only in the present moment that we can make changes. This requires us to notice what we are doing, and deciding if it is in alignment (Pono) with what we say we want. If we are saying we want peace, but requiring someone on the outside to change (like that other driver) then we have given our power away and the peace we want will remain elusive. If it is peace we want then we can ask ourselves right here, right now (Manawa) if what we are doing and thinking will lead to peace.

These Hawaiian shamanic principles form a foundation of right thinking that leads to health on all levels. When the mind is in turmoil and riddled with negative thoughts and emotions the biochemistry of the body changes. This stress and biochemical imbalance leads to a compromised immune system and a compromised immune system contributes to cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune diseases, cancer, neurological diseases, and hormonal diseases. Simply put, our health is based on how and what we think. Try it out and see how you change. See if it is pono. Pono means effectiveness is the measure of truth. In other words something is pono when it works because things work (are effective) when they are true or in alignment with truth.


Scientific Name:  Matricaria recutita.  Other chamomiles, i.e. Anthemis sp.,  have similar properties and can be used interchangeably.

Properties:  Good anti-inflammatory.  Sedative.  Do not underestimate this herb!

Preparation:  1teaspoon to 1Tablespoon per cup water as needed.  My teacher told me it would get bitter if steeped longer, but not necessarily stronger.  The entire above ground portion of the plant can be used.
chamomile flowersActions and Uses: 
Stimulates digestion and relaxes stomach muscles.  It lowers flatulence and is good with gastritis after heavy drinking.  It is an extremely nice anti-inflammatory for the stomach and duodenum.  Can be used as an enema for colitis.  Use five to fifteen cups of tea a day to get rid of ulcers.

Chamomile calms the mind and may help some fall asleep.  Excellent for calming children and colicky babies.  It is good for light to moderate pain, but don’t expect dramatic short term effects.

This is the best remedy for swollen eyes.  Use chamomile tea bags as a poultice directly on the eyes.

Can also be used topically to reduce inflammation and associated pain.

Contraindications:  May be a uterine stimulant.

Disclaimer:  This website is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional. You should not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, prescribing any medication or other treatment, or discontinuing any medication or treatment recommended by your healthcare provider.