Kali Transforms TESLI

The six foot Kali Mandala glowed magnificently under the influence of a black light last night.  One of the participants, Kayt Gordon, called the mandala “off the wall”  – literally – as she kept seeing it transform, leap off the wall, and enter the circle as another participant while us humans meditated with movement and dance.

Kali Ritual MandalaHere is the daytime view.  Kali Mandala on the new sound wall that Bob and I installed this last week.  Much less noise from the neighbors industrial HVAC unit.

Goddess Mandala at TESLIWith the break of dawn today, I took down the masterpiece who’s creation consumed my time this past week.  I was reminded of the sand mandalas created by Tibetan Buddhists – medicine that captures an energy that is meant to be used and what remains is allowed to pass away.


Originally my plan was to move the sacred art into my healing room.  This morning, I contemplated and alternative plan.  I could just leave it on the wall to fade in the sun.  That felt good.  However, I finally decided that I would put it on the front of the house where more people could enjoy it.  That will take a little effort – the house is made of stucco and not as friendly to work with as wood, but I have a plan.


The next Goddess Wisdom event will be on December 26th.  We will be celebrating Hestia, the goddess of eternal light and the hearth.  Mark you calendars.  I sense another mandala will be there to bless us all.

Goddess Wisdom Series

The Goddess Wisdom Series begins its 2015-2017 season this Saturday with a Kali Ritual/Circle.  (More information and RSVP.)  The intention of the series is to use sacred ritual to create change, transformation, and greater ease in the lives of the participants.  Much of our actions in the world are controlled by subconscious reactions and programming that we often cannot simply force into alignment with our conscious intentions. An effective way to move the subconscious is through the use of sacred ritual.

While it is possible to attend each circle as a stand-alone event.  The series is designed to allow people to use the support of the divine feminine to create transformation in their lives.  Each event builds on the previous and flows into the subsequent.

The series begins with Kali, because often times it ekajatiis more effective to build a new reality after clearing away the obstacles to change and discarding the old.  Kali is the goddess that removes obstacles to spiritual progress. During this time when the veils between the worlds is the thinnest we will use the powerful transformative energy that Kali brings to facilitate the removal of confusion, attachments, and deep rooted dsyfunctional habits.

One can come to the Kali event ready to release whatever needs to go in order to be ready for the generative stage of creation or can use the event as a spring board for releasing work that will continue in the days and weeks after the event.  If you can not make the event, this is a good time to join us energetically and do your own ritual ato home.

Then, on December 26th, we will have the festival of Hestia, the goddess of eternal light.  After our releasing work is complete we are ready to kindle that light within us.  During the darkest part of the year we will use the energy of Hestia to allow self-nurturance penetrate to our deepest core.  (More information and RSVP.)

As the days grow longer again we will celebrate our creative energy and begin to institute our changes with Brigit on Jan 30, 2016.  Brigit is the Celtic goddess that rules over computer programming, other high arts, and healing.  Her energy will help us transform our vision into reality on the physical plane.
quanyinMarch 26, 2016 is the festival day of the great Bodhisattva Quan Yin (Avalokitesvara in Sanskrit).  On our path to actualization we may find that deeper work is needed to get the results we want.  Here we will call upon the goddess whom “hears all the calls of the world” as a powerful allay to aid in resolving past trauma and resentments so that we can know the true peace that comes with detachment, acceptance and the realization of our interconnectedness.
In the remainder of 2016 and into 2017 we will continue our celebrations with Mother Mary, Futura, Mandarava, and Venus.

Women’s Global Summit

On Sunday TESLI had a booth at the Free Fortune CookiesGlobal Women’s Summit at the Mesa Convention Center.  There were about 500 women in attendance with Marianne Williamson as the Keynote.

We met a lot of great women leaders, healers and professionals.  Our free paper fortune cookies were a big hit!

Many people read their fortunes and asked, “What does it mean?”  Apparently people were waiting to be told what was going to happen, instead they were frequently asked to abide in a question. Like the 70 year old that pulled:  “What energy, space and consciousness can me and my body be to get younger every year?”  She was real curious about that.  Of course, with her colorful tiara and jewel studded purse I am thinking she might already have living backwards down to an art.

TESLI booth at Global Women's Summit

Dr. Dorena Rode explains a person’s fortune to them. Such fun! Oct 10, 2015


Dorena on a rant.

Dorena on a rant.

Thanks Eric for helping at the booth and taking the pictures!