I have been visioning what TESLI will be doing this fall and have come up with a fun line-up of classes, talks and workshops. If you have a idea for a class or workshop you would like to offer please keep in mind TESLI would like to support your vision by offering space for the event.

Wisdom Goddesses
The big highlight of this fall is the continuation of the Wisdom Goddess Series. I began offering these workshops in 2013 and they were a big hit. I am restarting the series on October 31 with an Evening with Kali – Remover of obstacles. December will feature Hestia (pictured left), Brigit will be in January, and we will celebrate Quan Yin’s birthday in March. See the calendar for dates and more information.
Natural Approaches to Women’s Health 
Another fabulous one day workshop is planned for October 24th. This women’s health workshop will be a full day event. I will be pulling out my expertise in physiology to explain woman’s hormones and how to use diet, lifestyle changes, herbs and supplements to create health and ease at all stages and cycles of a woman’s life.
Thursday Evening Spiritual Group
I am restarting my Thursday evening group with a new twist. I will give a short talk on a spiritual topic and/or speak to a topic or question that a participant introduces. The discussion will be intermingled with facilitation. I will use ThetaHealing® and Access Consciousness® tools to facilitate group clearings and assist participants in gaining greater freedom from limitations. This will be a dynamic and fun group. Be prepared to get rid of all your blocks to freedom!
Other Classes
I am continuing to offer classes in Access Consciousness Bars and ThetaHealing. These are my two favorite modalities for getting rid of habitual tendencies and limiting beliefs that prevent us from enjoying life and prospering. If you are interested in finding out more about Bars, please attend one of my intro talks.
Check out the calendar for dates and more information. I look forward to seeing you at an event!