Is This Blocking You From Wealth?

I have recently invested in a new camera in order to get special effects on the videos I am producing for and my YouTube channels.  I have been using my partner’s tripod since my own broke and now I was in the market for a second one.  I wanted to be able to film from two angles.

I went on Amazon and started shopping.  My last tripod cost me $20 and, since it broke, I was looking for something more substantial.  There were lots of options in the $50-$70 range.  I decided, I might as well get the same type as my partner.  It worked well enough.  I put the brand name, Gitzo, into the Amazon search and was presented with a series of tripods ranging from $770 to $1000.

I was shocked!  And that was just for the tripod.  Add another $400 for the fancy ball head.  I found it hard to believe.  But what happened next was even more interesting.

I could feel myself pulled into the past.  I had been treating this tripod as nothing special.  To me it was just a $50-$100 tripod.  I could feel a pull in my stomach as I realized that the tripod was actually worth more like $1200.  I started worrying about how I had treated it in the past.  Part of my mind was trying to figure out all the times I’d left it at risk during my book tour, alone in a Barnes and Noble store or next to the car while I loaded.  I was worried that maybe I had tweeked the legs or ball head too roughly while setting up.  I could have broken it without knowing!

I like to study my mind, and this type of reaction is fascinating to me.  I was actually worried about the past based on getting one new piece of information.  How bizarre! That is how the mind works.  And, now that I knew the value of the tripod, I was actually worried about losing it.  Indeed, I am going against my instincts and gut reaction to tell you I own a tripod that is worth $1200.  I am scared of your judgments and I am scared that once the word gets out, someone will come to steal it.


All this comes from the subconscious.  I was giving a dramatic illustration of my attachment to things.  How does this block me from wealth?  Well, in order to avoid the pain of having something stolen or coveted I might avoid owning anything of value.  This would not be a conscious decision. I might subconsciously block anything that might create personal wealth to protect me from the loss of things I own.

This is how the subconscious limits us.  We consciously desire more, but simultaneously we block wealth because we have subconscious beliefs such as these:

  • People will take what I have earned or what I own
  • I will be killed or hurt by people so they can get what I own
  • It is wrong to have wealth when others have less
  • I have to give away my wealth
  • I have to watch my stuff or it will be taken from me
  • It is not safe to be wealthy
  • I am responsible for my possessions
  • My possessions are a burden
  • Wealthy people have false friends
  • If I am wealthy my friends will leave me