Sweet Potatoes

Last year a bag of sweet potatoes started to sprout before I got around to eating them.  They ended up as mulch in shaded area at the back of TESLI.  Apparently they like Phoenix weather, as they have taken over.  I keep having to pull them out of my shade garden and direct them towards the open space to the west.

Sweet potatoe Vine at TESLI in Phoenix az

I was surprised this morning, when I went to pull out a vine, that a couple little sprouts came up. Since the vines cover about 20 feet of ground I am curious how many pounds of potatoes are down there.  I think of it as my disaster survival fund. Sweet Pototes in Phoenix

Video: Intro to Bars

The intro talk on Access Consciousness Bars® I gave on Friday went very well.  For people that are interested, but could not make the actual talk, I put together a short video.

I am offering a class on Access Bars on September 27th.  More information on the class and to register.

Airing My Laundry in Public

This is in celebration of my 100th blog laundry hanging on the line post!

I began the blog on June 16th, 2014 and have been enjoying sharing my thoughts with the world.  Today, I am inspired by a guest I recently had at my home to share more of myself.

This guest refused to use my washer and solar drier because they didn’t want my neighbors to see their underwear.  They opted for the laundromat instead.

This is my response.  Not only is my underwear available for all to see, but many more intimate details of my mind are available to read within this blog.  Feel free to subscribe by using the button on the right and you’ll be sent an email each time something new is put up.  Of course, you are under no obligation to read each.  I appreciate your interest.  Thanks!