Boulder is a natural medicine cabinet. Motherwort, poppy, mullein, grindelia, Oregon grape, feverfew, sage, and more all growing wild in abundance. My heart was filled with joy. I was like Frederick collecting the energy to store up for my six week retreat that begins tomorrow.

Boulder Wildflower – Feverfew – migraines

Boulder Wildflowers – Grindelia – respiratory tract issues

Boulder Wildflowers – Mullein with bee – asthma, ear infections, emphysema

Boulder Creek – Downtown Boulder, Colorado – July 2015

Boulder Creek – West of town. July 2015

Dorena in hills above Boulder, Colorado

Flower and leaf art on stone fountain at the Pearl Street Mall

Chogyal Namkhai Norbu – July 10th 2015 Dzogchen Teaching

Padmasambhava and Mandarava

Vajra dancing on the mandala at the dzogchen retreat

Pond along Boulder Creek path on the way to Naropa University