More on Milarepa

After I had posted my review of the Milarepa movie I began to rewatch the second movie in the form of a storyboard.   The story of Milarepa always touches me deeply and brings tears to my eyes.  This time the first words of the storyboard seemed to jump out at me.

May those who only hear, narrate, or listen to my story receive innumerable blessings and achieve liberation!

And those that emulate my life and meditate on it, may they find me in the Buddha pure land.

It was as if Milarepa was blessing me personally.  I knew in that moment that he would guide me.  Further, as I continued to watch him talk about his experience with his teacher, Marpa the Translator, I could feel the faith rise in me.  I could feel that closeness that  a student experiences with their heart teacher (and vice versa).  Very sweet.  I could physically feel my crown chakra.  I acknowledged to myself that my teacher was on my head (a traditional place to keep your teacher when you meditate).  And resonated with the joy that Milarepa expressed when talking about Marpa in his autobiography.

Throughout the next couple of days I continued to feel an open heart and the presence of my teacher and guide.  People that I gave massage to could feel the difference as well.  Really nice energy!

Today, I went to my ThetaHealer, Lynne Cockrum-Murphy, to deal with an unpleasant reaction I was having to a minor issue that arose last night.  She’s great with helping to remove dysfunctional automatic reactions and other obstacles such as those involving karmic patterns.  Since she is also an gifted channel, towards the end of our session, I asked her to find out “who my teacher was”, meaning the presence I could feel.  I also wanted confirmation of Milarepa’s aid.  This is the fun part of life for me.  If there is no magic then why bother living.

She did confirm that Milarepa was involved in what she termed “a lifting of several veils”, as was my teacher and myself.  This made me wonder what I had been doing that created a cause for this event.  Certainly, it wasn’t just the pledge or blessing that Milarepa had put into his story.  I knew this because I had already seen the story board before and I had already read the book.  As for what I did specifically to merit this, heaven only knows.  Perhaps the seeds were planted several years ago when I read two volume set of The Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa.  Or maybe it was other internal work or meditation I’ve been doing lately. (shrugs)  Probably everything is involved.

Now that I think about it, the funny thing is that I’ve been reading Madame Guyon lately and I’m in the section that has inspired me to be happy with being unhappy or whatever miserable state I am in.  She talks about how there is a tendency to lust after the good feelings one gets when they are close to the divine.  She claims true devotion means to be just as happy when the divine is not with us (because the divine is certainly out somewhere being happy) as when we can feel the close presence of divinity.  So here I am cultivating being happy with absence of connection to divinity when I am suddenly blessed with a real sense of connection to a divine and holy presence I call my teacher.

Anyway, I highly recommend that everyone read or watch Milarepa’s autobiography and emulate his life!  Although being able to give up those eight worldly thoughts are certainly harder than just deciding to do it.

My favorites:

Basic ThetaHealing – March 14-16, 2015

  • Learn how to easily access the theta brain wave state to tap into the highest frequencies for peace and healing!
  • Instantly eliminate beliefs that stand in the way to greater success.  Be able to do the same for your clients.
  • Get what you want in your life.  Using the theta wave to manifest is effective 80-90% of the time.   (Compare to visualization at 50%)
  • Become a certified ThetaHealer® and help your clients prosper.

become a certified thetahealer

The heart of this workshop is the practice of techniques that allow you to change life patterns held in place by core genetic, historic and soul  beliefs.  You will learn to identify your own limiting beliefs and will practice pulling them for others in the class.  This practice can quickly reveal systems of belief that might take traditional psychotherapy years to uncover.  Web page for Basic DNA course.

The course is 75% hands on.  Other topics covered in the Workshop:

  • The formation of ThetaHealing®
  • The power of words and thoughts
  • Electromagnetic field and the energy break
  • Free agency & co-creation
  • Intuitive abilities and how to enter the theta state
  • How to do a reading
  • The healing technique
  • Why people do not heal
  • Four level belief work (core, genetic, history, soul)
  • Muscle testing
  • Programs for feelings and other downloads
  • How to “Dig” for the bottom or key belief
  • The Seven Planes of Existence
  • Manifesting from the Seventh Plane
  • Guardian Angels and Waywards
  • Soul mates
  • Retrieving soul fragments
  • Remembering the future
  • DNA activation and gene replacement


March 14th-16th 2015:  9:30 to 4:30 each day (Saturday, Sunday, Monday)

Course includes: ThetaHealing® book by Vianna Stibal, a Practitioner’s Manual and Certificate of Completion.

Cost:  $445 before March 7th ($85 non-refundable/non-transferable deposit required to hold your spot.)
$485 after March 7th
Register now.
Earn $50 towards your course fee by referring a friend that attends the class.

Instructor:  Dorena Rode, Ph.D.

For more information or to register:
Dorena Rode, Ph.D.
(623) 242-5310


Grape Leaf Skeletonizer

I know the “Grape Leaf Skeletonizer” sounds like the perfect ghoul for Halloween. Indeed, this unwelcome trick-or-treater did come dressed in the most fabulous costume.Harrisina metallica  Grape Vine Skeletonizer

I was outside arranging my grape vines and enjoying the cooler weather when I came upon these lovely caterpillars.  They are Grape Leaf Skeletonizers (Harrisina metallica).  Despite their beauty, they are unwelcome visitors to my garden.  (Especially since I spent the summer picking caterpillars off my defoliated passion vine.)Grape Vine Skeletonizer Harrisina metallica