Milarepa is in the center in green. His skin was tinged this color because for years he lived only on nettles, refusing to leave his cave for anything more substantial
Milarepa is another great movie in my ten favorite Buddhist/Spiritual movies collection.
Milarepa is one of the great Buddhist masters of 11th century Tibet. His story is particularly inspiring because he was able to overcome the serious misdeeds of his youth (including mass murder), and become a buddha.
As young adult, Milarepa studied sorcery in order to take revenge on his Uncle and Aunt that had swindled him out of his inheritance. Indeed, he ended up killing a great many people with black magic. Then, he turned away from such activity. He learned it brought him no lasting satisfaction. He went, instead, to study with the great Buddhist master Marpa. Marpa put him through many trials before he gave him proper instruction. Milarepa then went off to the mountains to meditate and realize nirvana.
The movie Milarepa is part one of two parts. This first part details his youth: his misfortunes and his revenge. The second part has not been produced yet, but you can watch the storyboard on YouTube. It is incredible! It shows his devotion to his teacher and his enlightenment.
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