The Psychedelic Space! That is what my client yesterday called my living room after her massage. I’d been wondering what the first energy sensitive person would think/feel upon entering my practice space. A month’s worth of intense practice has to leave an impression.
First, when she came into the house we spent about fifteen minutes in the kitchen chatting and catching up on things. Then we moved to the living room on the way to the massage room. As soon as she entered the space where I had been practicing she stopped in her tracks and threw her arms up. Wow! She said there were no words to describe it as she made a sweeping gesture with her arm. I just smiled: “Welcome to my world.”
I ended the isolation of my retreat by taking a bus to the airport, flying to Orlando and spending four days in a seminar at the Hilton. I was curious what would be left of the shifts I’d experienced during the retreat with all that worldly activity. They seemed to hold well during my excursion, but I could feel the intensity of the energy once I picked up my practice upon returning home. I’ve definitely created a vortex in my living room. How cool is that?