
Finches eating seeds on basil

Two yellow finches feeding on lemon basil

My basil is in full bloom.  Actually this year I didn’t even plant basil – it volunteers year after year.  Basil loves and thrives in the heat and will not tolerate even a little frost.

I allow my plants to go to seed even when I don’t have much use for it, because basil seed attracts one of my favorite birds – yellow finches.  Here is a picture I snapped yesterday from my living room window of a pair of finches feasting on the basil seeds.

Basil also makes a nice filler plant for cut flower bouquets.  The greens hold up well and the flowers add a nice texture.  Actually, the best way to keep your cooking basil is to not put it in the fridge, but to put it in a glass of water on the countertop.  It will hold up nicely for a week or so and it may even root!  Adds a nice flare to the kitchen as well.


AmaranthWhen I got back from California a few of my amaranth weeds had taken over.  They were sporting over six feet tall and just as wide. I had originally let them grow because my rabbits like the greens.  Can’t argue with volunteer fodder.

However, now they were taking over the garden bed and needed to go.  I rushed right in  and started snapping branches.  Then I noticed all the buzzing.  Apparently bunnies aren’t the only ones that like amaranth.  The plain inconspicuous flowers were covered with honey and bumble bees.

Too bad they don’t show up in the picture.  If you look real close you can see a black dot near the top and in the middle.  That would be a bumble bee.  So, the amaranth will get to stay for awhile.  Maybe I’ll even get around to eating some.  The leaves are supposed to be real tasty and the seeds, of course, are an important grain.